Public Health gathering restrictions force Gold Mine draw "ON HOLD"

As leaders in our community the Rotary Club of Montague and Eastern PEI strives to demonstrate through our actions our consideration and respect for the guidelines recently released by the Chief Public Health Office and our government.
Considering the recent restrictions that prohibit organized gatherings, the Rotary Gold Mine toonie draw will be postponed until volunteers, staff, and Rotary members can again gather to process the draw when restrictions are eased.
The blue Rotary toonie boxes at the stores will be picked up by 9:00 am on Monday, January 24th as usual but new boxes will not be put out at this time. The Online module of Rotary Gold Mine will also be paused at this time.
The scheduled Monday toonie draw was to be for a rollover and this will carry forward during the postponement. When the restrictions are lifted and the toonie draw process can resume, the winnings will be for a 3 week total.
The major reasons for this decision is to follow the recommendations of CPHO, and to protect the health and well being of the 15-20 loyal volunteers, staff, and Rotary members who gather each week to process the draw.